Developing the Coach to Client Relationship


Relationships are the central component of a successful Personal Trainer/Coach to Client relationship. This article will present 5 simple ways any coach can strengthen their relationships with their clients, to ensure long term success.

Listen More

Listening is by no means a passive activity; it is an active engagement which is foundational to any meaningful relationship. Showing that you are actually listening displays that you are genuinely interested in what the other person (your client) has to say. When your client feels heard and understood, it helps develop trust.

Developing self awareness in this context is therefore vital. Try to become aware of whether you’re actually engaged in the conversation with your client or just waiting for your turn to speak. One of the simplest and most effective cues for yourself is to just stop interrupting and allow your clients to fully express themselves before you respond to them.

Become Clear on Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries can be challenging, especially for those who are coaches, as they tend to have a more empathetic temperament. However, it is a skill that needs to be practiced and perfected. Having clear boundaries from day one is key for creating a strong and sustainable client-coach relationship.

At the start of your relationship,discuss and agree on means of accessing you e.g. through email, call, text, whatsapp, or a coaching app platform. Manage expectations around response times. The goal is to create a system where the coach and client can expect each other’s time. Hint: Nobody wants to receive messages on a Sunday evening whilst with the family.

Put in the Work  

Whilst what happens during a coaching session is important, understanding and appreciating your clients’ life outside sessions is equally important. Get to know your client as a whole. What are their interests and goals beyond the immediate coaching content? Build a rapport with them and show genuine care. Build a deeper connection with them and make the coaching process more effective. When clients feel understood on a deeper level, they are more likely to engage fully and trust the coaching process.

Stop Overpromising and Underdelivering

Avoid making commitments you can’t keep and always follow through on your promise. If you promise to send an extra mobility routine by the evening, do it. Managing expectations and following through with the expectations you’ve developed is key to building trust and showing that you are reliable, in both actions and words. When clients see that you will do what you say, their trust and confidence in you as a coach will grow, leading to a more successful long term relationship.

Deposit More Than You Withdraw

Every interaction we have contributes to an emotional bank account in our relationships. Positive engagements, shared laughs, and fulfilling promises make deposits. Slip ups, broken promises and negative engagements make withdrawals. To strengthen your client relationships, always aim to deposit more than you withdraw; be mindful of your interactions and always aim to add value to your clients’ lives. 

You can do this through the smallest gestures like remembering important dates or celebrating milestones, or through consistent support and encouragement. The  goal is to build a reservoir of positive experiences which can buffer any occasional missteps that may happen in the future. 


This article has presented 5 easy ways you can develop a better and more successful relationship with your clients as a personal trainer, all principles that we encourage through our teachings. Whilst you’re here, be sure to explore CPT, our combined Level 2 & Level 3 Personal Trainer Course.