Tips for Getting More Personal Training Clients


A robust client base is the bedrock of a thriving personal training business, offering stability, consistent income, and acting as a powerful source of referrals. It’s a testament to your expertise, building trust and credibility in the eyes of potential clients. Long-term relationships with clients provide the opportunity to witness their progress and transformation over time, fostering a deep sense of satisfaction for both parties.

This engaged clientele also offers invaluable feedback, allowing for continual improvement of your training programs and services. Offering complimentary initial consultations enables potential clients to experience your training style, laying the foundation for a potential partnership. Displaying client testimonials and success stories provides social proof of your effectiveness as a coach, further instilling confidence. Consistent communication and a commitment to ongoing self-improvement round out the strategies, ensuring a steady flow of clients and sustained success in the personal training industry.

This article will present some of our highest ROI tips for acquiring clients as a personal trainer. If you’re not yet qualified as a PT, but you’re looking to start your journey, be sure to take a look at our Level 3 Personal Trainer Course.

Understanding Your Niche

The fitness industry encompasses various niches, such as general fitness for weight management, bodybuilding for muscle development, sports-specific training for athletes, and even specialised areas like yoga for flexibility and mindfulness.

Each niche caters to a specific set of goals and preferences, allowing coaches to tailor their services to a particular clientele. The PFCA are firm advocates that especially in the early stages of your coaching career you don’t need a niche, exposure to a wide range of clients and fitness challenges is crucial and this is what created the foundation for coaching mastery. 

Building a Personal Brand

Establishing a personal brand as a personal trainer is essential for standing out in a competitive market. A unique brand sets you apart, builds trust with clients, and attracts your ideal audience. It enhances the perceived value of your services, fosters consistency in your messaging, and opens doors to new opportunities in the industry. Ultimately, a resonant personal brand is key to building a successful and fulfilling career as a trainer.

Through your brand, you can effectively communicate your skills, knowledge, and certifications to potential clients, establishing credibility and trust. This allows you to position yourself as an authority in your field, attracting clients who value your expertise and are more likely to invest in your services.

To establish a professional online presence as a personal trainer, it’s essential to utilise various platforms effectively. On Instagram, share high-quality content such as training tips, client transformations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses to engage your audience and build a following. A professional website is useful to showcase your services, expertise, client testimonials, and contact information.

Building Trust and Credibility

To establish a solid client base, personal trainers must prioritise building trust and credibility. This involves demonstrating competence in their field, showcasing their expertise through qualifications and experience, and fostering positive relationships with clients. By consistently delivering high-quality services, personalised attention, and achieving tangible results, personal trainers can instil confidence in their clients, leading to long-term trust and loyalty.

Additionally, maintaining professionalism, integrity, and open communication further solidifies the trainer-client relationship, ultimately enhancing the trainer’s reputation and credibility in the industry.

There are several effective strategies for building trust and credibility as a personal trainer, which will be explored below.

Certifications and Qualifications

Your coaching career begins by obtaining your L2 & L3 Personal Training qualifications. Level 3 Personal Training (L3) enhances skills acquired at Level 2, focusing on advanced aspects such as program design, client consultations, movement assessments,  movement patterns, and nutritional guidance. Whilst you’re here, be sure to explore the comprehensive L2 & L3 Personal Trainer course offered by PFCA.

Functional Fitness Coach L2 (FFC 1): FFC 1 certification focuses on functional training methodologies aimed at improving overall performance and mobility. It emphasises movements that replicate real-life activities and enhance functional fitness.

Functional Fitness Coach L2  (FFC 2): FFC 2 builds upon the foundational principles introduced in FFC 1, offering advanced techniques and strategies for functional training. This certification further enhances trainers’ ability to design effective and innovative workouts to meet their clients’ needs. You can explore FFC 2 certification here.

These certifications provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as a coach. 

Sharing success stories and client testimonials

Client testimonials are powerful tools for personal trainers to demonstrate their effectiveness and build credibility. When gathering testimonials, coaches should approach clients with sensitivity, asking for permission to share their stories and feedback.

It’s crucial to respect clients’ privacy and confidentiality while highlighting their achievements in a positive and uplifting manner. Testimonials can be shared on various platforms, including the coaches social media profiles, website and promotional materials.

By showcasing real-life success stories, trainers can inspire confidence in potential clients and establish trust in their expertise and ability to deliver results.

Social Media Strategies for Client Acquisition

Select the right platforms for your audience demographics and interests, like Instagram or Facebook. Share coaching tips, clients wins, challenges and how they overcome them, testimonials and progress updates regularly to engage followers and build a community. Utilise features such as hashtags and stories to increase visibility, and interact with your audience by responding to comments and participating in conversations. This consistent, valuable content helps attract and retain clients through social media.

In today’s digital age, cultivating a robust presence on social media platforms is highly advantageous for professionals like personal trainers. With billions of active users globally, social media offers unparalleled visibility, allowing trainers to showcase their expertise, build credibility, and attract potential clients.

Through strategic branding, targeted content, and active engagement, trainers can expand their reach, establish trust with their audience, and ultimately, grow their client base. Additionally, social media facilitates networking opportunities, brand building, and collaboration, further enhancing a trainer’s reputation and success in the industry.

Promotions and Packages

It’s advisable for coaches to ensure their clients are set up on a direct debit payment system, aligning with the anticipated number of sessions per week. Selling “blocks” isn’t recommended, as it lacks financial stability for the coach and the client isn’t often as bought in to the process.

This payment structure also encompasses other coaching services within the package, such as nutrition guidance and online programming. For instance, if the standard hourly rate is £50 and sessions occur once a week (ideally, sessions should be twice weekly), the monthly fee would typically be £250. For twice-weekly sessions, it would be £400 per month, inclusive of “free online programming.” Three weekly sessions would amount to £600 per month.

Networking within the Fitness Community

Networking within the fitness community is crucial for various aspects of professional development and business growth. It serves as a valuable platform for marketing, knowledge sharing, and social collaboration, fostering mutual support and growth among industry peers. By expanding your network, you gain access to diverse perspectives, resources, and opportunities that can enhance your career as a fitness professional.

Collaborating with local gyms and wellness centres is an effective way to expand your reach and attract new clients. Partnering with these establishments allows you to tap into their existing clientele and establish yourself as a trusted resource within the community. Additionally, collaborating on events, workshops, or promotional campaigns can generate mutual benefits and increase exposure for both parties.

Forming partnerships with nutritionists and physiotherapists can also be advantageous. These professionals often work closely with clients seeking to improve their health and fitness, making them valuable referral sources. By building relationships with them, you can create a network of trusted collaborators to provide comprehensive support to your clients.

Attending industry events, conferences, and workshops provides opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing with fellow fitness professionals. These events allow you to stay updated on the latest trends, research, and best practices in the field, enabling you to continuously improve your services and expand your expertise.

Providing Free Initial Consultations

Offering complimentary fitness assessments can significantly boost enrollment by providing potential clients with a valuable opportunity to experience the benefits of your services firsthand. These consultations serve as a way to establish rapport, build trust, and demonstrate your expertise in guiding clients towards their fitness goals.

During these initial consultations, it’s essential to engage in meaningful discussions with potential clients to understand their goals, preferences, and any concerns they may have. By actively listening to their needs and expectations, you can tailor your services to meet their individual requirements effectively.

Managing expectations is also crucial in the onboarding process. By discussing realistic goals and outcomes with potential clients upfront, you can ensure alignment between their expectations and what you can realistically deliver. This helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters a positive client-coach relationship built on transparency and trust.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for personal trainers to engage with potential clients, build relationships, and ultimately, grow their business. By maintaining an email list of interested prospects, trainers can regularly send newsletters containing valuable content and exclusive offers, effectively nurturing leads and driving conversions. Here are some strategies for building an email contact list:

Host Webinars or Workshops: Invite people to register for your webinars or workshops by providing their email address.

Run Contests or Giveaways: Encourage participation in contests or giveaways on social media platforms, with entry requirements including subscribing to your email list.

Utilise Lead Magnets: Create compelling lead magnets, such as quizzes or assessments related to fitness goals, and require an email address for access.


Regular newsletters are an excellent way for personal trainers to stay connected with their audience. They can include: Fitness tips and advice, client success stories, special offers and promotions.

Case Studies

Case studies offer an in-depth look at real-life client transformations and the strategies used to achieve them. Personal trainers can use case studies to:

Showcase Expertise: Demonstrate your expertise and effectiveness as a trainer by showcasing successful client outcomes.

Provide Social Proof: Use real examples to build trust and credibility with potential clients, showing them what is possible through your coaching.

Nutrition Tips

Nutrition is a vital aspect of fitness, and personal trainers can provide valuable guidance and advice to their subscribers whilst ensuring they stay within their remit. Nutrition tips can include:

Healthy Recipes: Share nutritious and delicious recipes that align with a healthy way of living

Meal Planning Tips: Offer practical tips and strategies for meal planning, food shopping, and preparing healthy meals.

Supplement Recommendations: Provide information on supplements that can support fitness goals, along with recommendations for reputable brands, such as Marchon Supplements. Marchon offer a distinct range of supplements from whey protein, micellar casein and plant protein to hydration sachets and vitamin D spray.

Responding to Questions

Answering questions can be a potent marketing strategy for personal trainers, showcasing expertise and building trust with potential clients. Leveraging social media platforms, trainers can conduct quick Q&A sessions or provide detailed responses to common inquiries, positioning themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy resources.

By addressing common questions in email campaigns, trainers can also minimise barriers to sale for potential leads. Furthermore, offering solutions to common training obstacles demonstrates authenticity and value, ultimately attracting and retaining clients. Overall, responding to questions effectively contributes to establishing a strong presence, nurturing leads, and driving business growth for personal trainers.


In conclusion, personal trainers have a wealth of avenues to strengthen their business and connect with a broader client base. Whether it’s leveraging social media for engagement or providing insightful answers to common enquiries, the possibilities for growth are abundant. Moreover, the introduction of the PFCA course GROW, a personal training business course, presents a fantastic opportunity for current trainers to further develop their skills and attract more clients. 

GROW is designed specifically for personal trainers aiming to take their business to the next level. It offers a structured curriculum and expert guidance to help trainers enhance their skills, expand their client base, and increase their revenue. With a focus on practical strategies and actionable insights, GROW covers various aspects of business development, marketing, client acquisition, and retention.