How to use EMOMs

Very simply, EMOMs create a fixed work:rest ratios. This means we can create a significant amount of order and structure when using them as part of the prescription, so long as we know how long the work within each minute for the individual in question will take.

Use in a Skill Development setting: 

  • EMOM sets would sit beyond any focus on motor control due to the relative fatigue based setting.
  • However, relatively short amount of work vs relatively longer rest means that we can use EMOMs to challenging muscle or strength endurance in single modality setting.
  • The skill can then be paired with complimentary or non complimentary elements to challenge the skill in a set time frame as skill dev progresses.

Use in strength density:

  • The opportunity to combine high volume of movements with limited rest = high density. Programmed incorrectly, the intention of density could result in too much intensity = quality suffers as a result.
  • Density is effectively a form of strength endurance, so be careful here to only challenge movements and skills which have a solid base of motor control and muscle endurance as a prerequisite.

Use in FLOW:

  • relatively longer work vs rest ratio = aerobic in nature if pace is correct.
  • could be used to help an individual transition into mixed aero work with set work:rest ratios for someone who is struggling to ‘feel’ or express the intended stimulus or self organise.

Use in Flow/Force Setting:

  • could be used in threshold piece to force limited rest in extended high output setting or battery muscle endurance work.
  • This is airing on the side of sport, or the top end of challenge for a gen pop individual to test the resilience of their skills and capacity.

Check list prior to implementation of EMOM’s in your PD:

  • Has the individual earned the total functional volume included in the overall EMOM?
    • Can they maintain quality of movement throughout?
    • Can they maintain power output throughout?
    • Therefore, can they truly express the entire piece?
  • Have the skills involved been developed sufficiently in an isolated and focussed motor control setting outside of a fatigued setting, in order for the EMOM to be of use?
  • Are intentions for both coach and client clear?

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